Metro 2033 crash at start

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings Metro 2033 crash at start

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  • #87635

    Hey guys,

    i have a strange problem. If i use the vorpx config for Metro 2033 the game crashes right at start (directly after clicking the .exe file).
    The problem seems to be the fov. If i set the fov to a value over 75 (vorpx config sets it to 120) then the game will crash immediatly. If i set it to 75 or below the game is working fine.
    Any suggestions?


    FOV maximum value allowed by the game (Metro 2033) is 90.
    One point more, you could reset the value.

    If that was not enough to 90, you can increase a little in geometry,using the option 3d fov enhancement+Adjust the zoom joined this avoiding looking edges.

    This could be possible with the optimizer vorpx games (external configuration)
    But if it fails for some reason …
    C:\Users\”your user”\AppData\Local\4A Games\Metro 2033
    Open user.cfg modify Sick_fov:90
    r_api:0 (force dx9)save changes.

    Menu vorpx ingame:
    3d reconstruction:Geometry
    3d fov enhancement:0.30 (not much more,”may” produce glitch in some games)
    Separation (3d strength):2.90
    Fix chromatic aberration:ON.
    Fix black smear:ON.
    Aspect ratio correction:Pixel 1:1
    Image zoom:0.79
    2d fov enhancement:0.00

    This is for normal version,redux geometry does not work.


    Sorry for answering so late but i was away for my company. Very good settings. Thank you very much :)

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