Metro 2033 mouse not working

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    I’ve just reloaded Metro2033 and Last Light, just to choose if to play them with DK2 or the Redux versions

    Metro2033 only (LastLight works correctly) has an issue with the mouse pointer:

    after acknowledging the first Vorpx dialog, by reaching the main menu, the mouse pointern goes stuck on the left side of the screen, and the keyboard cannot be used as well to choose any game direction

    without DK2+Vorpx the game runs correctly

    thanks for any help


    can you confirm whether Metro last light works with 3D geometry in directx9?
    Metro 2033 DX9 get 3d geometry correctly.
    Metro last light DX9 have black screen instantly.

    redux version only work with 3d z-buffer for me, I do not like in this case.

    pd: metro 2033 i have not problems with mouse, but I play xbox 360 pad.


    can you confirm whether Metro last light works with 3D geometry in directx9?
    Metro 2033 DX9 get 3d geometry correctly.
    Metro last light DX9 have black screen instantly.

    redux version only work with 3d z-buffer for me, I do not like in this case.

    pd: metro 2033 i have not problems with mouse, but I play xbox 360 pad.

    I don’t know whether Last Lights works with Dx9 or Dx11, as I don’t find it displayed anywhere in Video Settings, it simply works thanks to Vorpx


    I’ve managed to have Metro2033 work somewhat:

    deactivated Oculus
    launched Metro2033
    set the game for Dx9 and quit
    reactivated Oculus
    relaunched Metro2033

    now the mouse cursor is still stuck in the left area of the screen, yet the keyboard allows by continuously tapping over the menus to continue a game or start a new one, at least I can progress: inside the game everything works, although the mouse pointer is limited (in menus only) to the left area

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