Metro Exodus- DIRECTX11 only?

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    Hey Raif… for some reason, I’m only able to get Exodus working with DIRECTX11. Did something change? Would love to get it working with DX12 for when the enhanced version comes out this week. What I’m seeing in 11 looks great, but can only imagine how much better it will be with all the new features.


    In my opinion DX11 in G3D is more fun than DX12 Raytracing in Z3D. Vorpx is in DX12 in Z3D only, it’s a pitty. But in DX11 in G3D the NPCs are “living” and the world seems to be true. I also prefer a very high resolution instead of ultra settings because the NPCs are promotet to be “living” by that, too.


    i just tried the new version with dx12 with cyberpunk profile. it works great and personally I prefer it to the dx11 g3d version. The only flaw is that the direct vr doesn’t work! but even so it remains beautiful to play!


    Thanks for checking that out. If it doesn’t clash with D3D11 hooking, I’ll enable D3D12 for the official profile shortly, incl. DirectVR and scalable HUD.


    I just re-installed VorpX after about a 3 year absence and am trying to get the Epic version of Metro Exodus Enhanced running with VorpX, but nothing is working on the HMD display. I believe it’s because there is no DX11 option in the Enhanced version.

    If there is any way of getting Metro Exodus Enhanced running with VorpX, other then Ralf enabling D3D12 in the profile, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


    I just tried Metro Exodus standard with VorpX and still am unable to get the game to run on my HMD. The sound is happening with the HMD but the HMD screen is only showing Metro Exodus loading…while the monitor is showing the game. I have set the game to run in DX11 but no luck getting the game to show on the HMD.


    me too in the standard version does so. actually just press alt + tab a couple of times and the game restarts! test!


    First start the game without vorpx and set DX11 for the old profile and DX12 for the CP2077 profile.

    Disable also Nvidia Geforce Experience in-game overlay, too.

    Borderless window or windowed is the best setting for this game, try to edit the
    file user.cfg and profile.cfg.

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