Mirror's Edge Catalyst

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    I’ve been trying, with limited knowledge, to see if I could get Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to work in vorpX. Figuring that it was first person and Frostbite based I went with the Battlefield 4 profile but it just crashes on launch. Are there any more comprehensive profile authoring documentation/tools available. I’ve read the blog post titled “Power to the People!”.. I’m guessing that is still in the pipeline?

    I’ll post here if I make any progress. :D


    Ah, Battlefield 4 is quite old. I cloned the Battlefield Hardline profile and that works. It’s a pain setting the FOV in the game options up click by click and it maxes out at 90 but I’m getting somewhere, and it’s pretty smooth.


    Hey, did you get any further with this? … I managed to get the same as you .. though Z-Adaptive is very unimpressive and yea the FOV issue is borked .. it really needs 120 FOV .. stuck at 90 is like Faith is running with her face first like a chicken.


    Maybe flawless widescreen can fix your fov? It’s free, I use it for battlefield 4 campaign mode. It’s able to bump it up by a little over 30, so 90 in the game + 30 from flawless widescreen, let me know if it works, I love mirrors edge ( 1 ; )


    I thought I’d revive the thread with some new info:

    1. There are now two softwares that can change the FOV: An FOV changer on NexusMods (needs a special Frostbite modding software) and a cinematic camera utility. (See below for links)

    2. 21:9 resolutions with the default max 90 degree FOV have exactly the perfect FOV for VR. I use this (at my monitor’s 3440×1440) as I don’t want to install some random DLL or software.

    3. I use the profile from Battlefield 1 (closest Frostbite version) with Z-Normal @ 3.0 Strength and 0.07 Weight.


    FOV setting increaser (up to 120): https://www.nexusmods.com/mirrorsedgecatalyst/mods/2

    Needs Frosty Tool Suite: https://github.com/GalaxyEham/FrostyToolSuite/wiki

    Cinetools, cinematic camera utility that can also change FOV: http://cinetools.xyz/games/


    I just wanted to follow up on this. The comment above this is absolutely essential to get this game looking great in full vr. I’ve created a profile for the latest vorpx official release if anyone is willing to test out to see how it came out. The author of the profile is the same as my username. I just tested this and I’m sure with higher resolution to my vr headset, this game would look amazing.


    Bookmarked. My thanks to you. As a big ME Catalyst fan i look forward to trying this out in the near future.

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