Hi there. Just got VorpX, couldn’t believe I forked out the money I did, but I wanted to try what seems to be the best driver solution. I would definitely recommend you put up a 7 day trial or something to show people it is decent Ralf, it’s a lot of money – turns out it seems to be pretty good, with lots of options and it’s well integrated. For an early DK2 beta I’m pretty impressed.
However, Mirror’s Edge is one hell of a whore to configure. Does anyone have some recommendations for settings to use? I’m having the whole “zoomed in” feeling to make the game fill my peripherals, I really need to massively increase the in game FOV so the zoom isn’t so bad – more vertically than anything. I feel that I need the resolution to be something like 4:3 to work well, but of course the Rift is a 16:9 display ratio so the game is picky about allowing anything else.
Any help is welcome as a first time VorpX user :)