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  • #188066

    Hello I ask myself a question about VorpX
    Already first plot is to have installed the platform origin with Titanfall2 but impossible that vorpx attaches with and yet it is mentioned in the games compatible
    I would prefer that titanfall2 itself of the platform steam then es this origin or vorpx?

    Second enigma pk put compatible games vorpx if there is no 3d geometry for?
    I’m talking about evil within an old game and advanced warfare
    What good is it to install re2 if it is only in adaptive z?

    I hope that the next MAJ will buckle these holes of air which I call


    Bonjour, does the attaching window for Titanfall 2 appear ? If not create a new profile from the official profile, make shure to import all the settings with it and then add the exe of your origin installation to it.
    For the second one, yeah I dont like it myself that the official profiles are not marked wether they are G3D or Z3D. Last time I bought Just Cause 3 and was a bit disappointed when I found out it only has z3d :( I think Ralf should mark them so people know the deal before.


    to start thank you for taking the time to answer there is a white window that appears with my cursor that loads but no music and imagne does not appear until this vorpx asks me the approach add or close or do nothing can you explain to me exactly what I can create and how to successfully launch titanfall2 thank you very much for your patience and your time taken


    OK, first step would be to open the VorpX Control app, in the menu on the left choose “local profiles” in the middle there is a window now representing your VorpX delivered profiles, now look up for Titanfall 2 profile and mark it, in a small window to the right are 2 exe names make shure they match the exe name of your titanfall2 installation exe, otherwise VorpX starts in a generic mode and maybe fail.
    If your exe name differs from the exe names in VorpX go to the “create new profile from this …” button below check the import settings with yes. Now there is a new profile in your local list, its marked blue and has the name Titanfall 2 copy.
    Click on it look at the right window and press the add button , search in the upcoming file requestor after your Titanfall 2 exe and press OK. Know it should work.

    Then there are some general problems which can occure, sometimes its good to have all clients (steamvr ect.) started upfront. In vorpX control you can allow admin rights and alternativ hooking in some cases it helps too. Also a noob thing would be coming into a game and have the view not centered (Alt-Space !)


    I try your manipulation which is well explained
    I followed the order of the procedures
    when to attach
    titanfall2 pu titanfall_trial from the original_game file
    he wrote an error message
    (titanfall2_trial.exe is already assigned to the below profile

    you are not assigned.

    I tried to rename the titanfall file in .exe
    but I could not run the game I restarted and originated recreating a titanfall file in addition
    I started the game and the music of the game that launches for the first time via the headphones
    I will try to rename the files one way or another …


    Infect after many and many attempts
    Unable to start the game titanfall2 by vorpX via origin
    The game must have new update that makes vorpX impossible or very difficult to hang
    The installation files are in .exe even though they are not mentioned in the installation folder
    Since the new update I have also struggled to launch batman arkham knight
    VorpX asks me to exclude gold close or do nothing
    The old version vorpX did not ask me that at the launch of the game
    And I had to uninstall and reinstall VorpX following an error message at the launch of vorpX
    there is little
    I hope the team is complete to run the software
    At the best of times I vouch for these future improvements


    First please try to enable ‘Alternative Hooking’ in the vorpX config app (General page > Misc). Note that this should only be used in case of hooking issues with a specific game, not generally. It’s not better, just different. If in doubt always try both methods.

    If that does not help, please thouroughly check for programs on your PC that might cause an injection conflict. You can find more detailed information on the matter and a list of potential candidates in the trouble shooting guide.


    Thnx for help
    once in 5 only the music that launches with a black screen
    the game is bugging the computer
    I sometimes can not close the window of the game.
    There are definitely some changes that have been made to the game that would not allow vorpX to recognize what has already been attached to it.`


    I still find someone who has the same problem read this review: So Masses Effect on Origin is not working for me sadly :(.

    I can not find any presets for it in the App Vorpx (only for mass effect 2 and 3).

    I tried to launch the game from both origin, it’s shortcut, windowed, full screen, etc. The oculus app is running in the background, but it does not matter where it’s going. “Start vorpx” is running.

    Any ideas?


    now please try new update for vorpX
    inquire about the problem that came from
    thank you


    according to my research the games via origin related to VorpXne would work only with the vr of HTc


    Not sure where you read that, but that is not the case. Origin games work with any headset that works with vorpX.


    No, that’s not possible
    I wrote this morning at origin to declare the problem waiting for an answer

    I speak on behalf of consumers who recounts exactly the same problem with evidence to support


    I can’t really give you any other answer than the one above: Origin games work with any headset that vorpX works with. It does not matter whether you use a Rift, Vive, Index, Pimax or whatever other headset vorpX supports.

    If you haven’t done so already, please thoroughly check the trouble shooting guide I linked above, especially in regard to programs on your PC that may create a conflict by also hooking into games.

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