MMO with geometry

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    Anyone tried any mmos that have geometry 3d support with VorpX? I’ve tried a few so far but none have it. Looks fairly good in cinema mode (great update) but I’d like to have an actual 3D experience in an mmo.


    Elder Scrolls Online says its supported. I don’t have it so I haven’t tried it but I’m thinking about it. I think a lot of the negativity around it was probably more or less just the internet doing what the internet does best. Anyway might be pretty cool in 3d and on the rift.


    Keep me posted. The game no longer has a subscription but unfortunately it’s still around $60 to buy which is quite a high price tag for a game with such mixed reviews. Too bad they don’t have a free trial.


    Elder Scrolls Online works with Oculus Rift DK2, but not geometry.
    You need to set the game to use DirectX 9.

    From what I heard here, somewhere else in the forum, geometry for EoS is in the works for Vorpx.

    I’ve played all the Elder Scrolls games since Daggerfall. For me, the single player storyline of EoS was worth bying the game for (leveling veteran levels were a pain, but I do think they have fixed that). A lot of lore and places that you get to explore with a great voice cast supporting it.
    Some of the bad reviews came from the bugs experienced in the launch (and about 6 months afterwards). But MMO’s are like that from my experience due to the complex nature of the games.

    I stopped playing after reaching veteran level 12 since I didn’t want to raid, but started again casually when it became ‘FTP’ (it’s not 100% FTP, since you need to buy the game). I have a veteran level 13 character.

    That being said. I recommend that you watch a let’s play from the game and take it from there. I can also recommend these videos:


    The latest vorpX version has Geometry 3D for Elder Scrolls Online. Has to be played in DX9, but that can be done through a single click in the Game Optimizer.


    confirmed: I’m playing with geometry ESO.
    Working with geometry in vr standard and virtual cinema.(dx9)

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