More 3d

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  • #12320

    I am very happy with the Vorpx driver on the whole, it adds a lot of immersion to games.
    I was just wondering however, how I could add more 3d depth to some games. whatever I seem to do on say “Clive Barker’s Jericho” or “Metro Last Light” I can’t seem to get Anywhere as near as the 3d depth I can get from “THE OTHER” paid for driver in both these games and more.??

    If you can help please enlighten me as there is only a few options that I can see from the “delete key” that I can change.

    Also as a side note I have Starship troopers running by means of another driver and using an xbox controller. It is amazing, would be great if Vorpx could do the same for those who wish to play it here. I’m in the film, seriously lol that’s how it feels, just needs more rez, hopefully soon ;-)

    Regards to all



    vorpX supports two different 3D-modes: A classic mode (Geometry 3D) that renders two views, and a super-fast mode called Z-Buffer 3D that has less 3D but is twice as fast, which helps to ensure 60fps even in taxing games. In most cases Z-Buffer is the default, you can switch to Geometry 3D in the in-game menu, provided the game supports both modes.

    Clive Barkers Jericho supports both, you can switch to Geometry 3D in the in game menu (3D-Reconstruction). To further enhance the 3D-effect, you can raise the Eye Separation in the in-game menu. The default values are usually dialed in to be lifelike though, so raise them with care.

    Metro Last Light will be supported with the next update, currently it’s 2D only.


    Thank you Ralf,
    I tried the G3d tabs already, they do improve the 3d greatly but was hoping for a tad more.
    Great news about Metro and the next update as that game is awesome in 3d in the rift, I would say the best experience yet in 3d mode.

    Thank you again


    You should keep in mind that ‘more’ 3D is not automatically better in VR. For a realistic experience it is important to have settings that resemble what you see in the real world. If you raise the Eye Separation in Geometry 3D above 1.5 or so, you already get a 3D effect that is far stronger than what you see in reality. And the maximum value of 3.0 is far off from anything that could be called realistic, that’s why it’s capped there.

    While it is certainly fun to experiment with stronger than natural 3D, for a realistic VR experience you usually don’t have to touch these values at all.


    This is true,
    But I do like to make other characters look likes dolls, sounds strange as I don’t play with dolls lol, however the sense of immersion seems far more visually pleasing when set like this, better in my opinion (depending on game).


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