One issue I have with cloud profiles is that they don’t have basic info. Like when they were made or updated and what level of VR support they add. It’s an issue for when I see more than one for a game and I have to fire up both and try them and try to zero in settings for them to see which is supposed to be better. Sometimes games get updated like a 1st person update, and it’s an issue when I can’t see if the profile was made before or after that.
I dont think creation date would be important.
But you’r right, many profiles are not even 3D and with the raising number of profiles its getting harder to find a good one. I have personally added basic infos, things that are important to know, to each of my (almost 500 profiles), so if you load an “rjkole” profile from the cloud, you can be quite shure its been adjusted carefully and always containing basic infos.