MorphX !

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  • #214759

    Just a little hint for deep VorpX Fans, there is a game called “MorphX” from TargemGames (2008/2009). The PC Release is called “Simbiont”. (Retail) Couldnt find it somehwere yet, though i am keeping an eye open.


    morpX haha


    I m changing here the wording a bit…you heard of X-Morph?

    Could be absolutely incredible playing this in G3D.
    Sadly no Vorpx profile exists for this game.
    You know which profile I could use to get it working?


    Do you guys have internet access and if so, are you familiar with

    Sorry for being as ass again, but it took me exactly a few seconds to find the appropriate info on where to get the pc version of “MorphX” and even how to get it to work with a xbox360 emulator along with where to get the appropriate xbox360-file.

    On the other hand “X-MORPH” has nothing to do with “MorphX” and is a completely different game, so starting an own “X-MORPH”-Thread would give better results probably.

    So anyway, “X-MORPH” is using the “Schmetterling”-Engine which is also used for “RIFTBREAKER”, so if there ain´t no profile for “RIFTBREAKER”, chances are high there ain´t no profile for it at all since there are exactly 2 games using that sad indie-engine.

    So if you want to find a probably working profile, you should do all the hard work yourself and try all kinds of profiles for games being similiar to riftbreaker/x-morph and with great luck you could get it to work with 3d-effects.

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