Hi folks/Ralf :)
first of all thanks for vorpx ralf. <3 and sorry for my bad english….
After searching hours and hours for an answer that could solve my problem i give it a last try here in the forums.
Problem is: when i move my head in morrowind the picture stutters. when i move the mouse instead of my head everythings fine…..:(
i use the morrowind overhaul 2.0.(german) and i know there could be problems using mods but i also try disabling all mods and check different mges. nothing happens.
i try disabling mouse acceleration in windows and ingame. same…..
i guess that the answer is easy as f+#k but i didnt get it
Game FPS is 90
Direct Mode FPS 90
my specs are:
gtx 1080ti
8gb ram :(
Btw when im playing the forest or other games in vr everthing just fine….
Hope for an answer