Mouse Acceleration

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  • #200062

    Hi, can you add a setting in the VorpX configuration to prevent VorpX from touching the mouse acceleration setting in Windows? No matter what setting I choose in the in-game menu, VorpX always turns mouse acceleration on, and fails to turn it off when the program is closed. It’s annoying having to manually turn it off every time VorpX launches, and I can’t find a program out there that makes that setting read-only.



    vorpX does not always turn mouse acceleration on. It periodically (every few seconds) backs up the current mouse acceleration state while it is waiting to hook into a game and then sets the acceleration to the last backup value after exiting a game or when exiting vorpX itself.

    On a sidenote: disabling the Windows mouse acceleration via the vorpX menu to enhance head tracking for the most part makes only sense in older games. As a rule of thumb, DX11 or 12 games almost certainly use raw input instead of the Windows input pipeline, so the Windows mouse accelaration doesn’t have any effect at all.

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