Move Screen Around?

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    I am playing Metro 2033 with VorpX in immersive screen mode, and I am blown away. It’s so good… MOSTLY. Why do I say mostly? Because for some reason the screen itself is just too high, and I can’t find any options to change that. A high screen basically means I have to play with my head looking more up than what my default, comfortable position is. It’s immersion breaking and over time it just hurts (because not only you have to force your head to face up, you are forcing your head to face up with a brick attached to your head).

    TLDR, I want to move the immersive screen down. How do I do that?


    did you try looking down and pressing ALT+Space to recenter the screen, there’s also a vorpx menu option to recenter


    If re-centering still doesn‘t get you what you want, you can also tilt the screen down a bit. To see this option in the menu you may have to click the ‚More Immersive Screen Options‘ button.


    Re-centering only changes the horizontal position.

    As far as I know there is no option to tilt the screen down. There IS an option in cinema mode to make the screen curve vertically. This brings the display down a bit, but not enough.


    If the option doesn’t show directly, please press the ‘more immersive screen options’ button to see it.


    As I said, there is no option for that. Even under “more immersive screen options”.


    Please check again. Immersive screen as well in cinema mode both have a “tilt screen” option since several years. Source: I programmed it. :)


    Hi Ralf,
    I found it, but you can only tilt the screen upwards, not downwards.

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