Movement decoupling in Menu

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    Would it be possible, or is there a way to decouple mouse movement from the game when in the VorpX menu, without using a gamepad?
    I always have a significant amount of tweaking to do to get things looking right, and when I am trying to change menu settings I end up feeling sick due to the screen moving all over the place…


    In the next vorpX version the current 2D-EdgePeek mode will be substituted by a EdgePeek mode in 3D space which behaves more natural (like a monitor in front of you). If I understood your issue correctly, this will be the solution. Simply switching to EdgePeek mode while using the menu will help then.


    Hmm, not sure if we are thinking about the same problem.
    My issue is with the movement happening within the game itself while I am in the VorpX menu. Like in Skyrim for example, while I am trying to use the mouse to make VorpX adjustments, the mouse is still controlling the camera in game, and causing me to feel dizzy or sick.
    If we are indeed on the same page, would you mind explaining a little more on how this 3d edgepeek will help with the issue? I’m not sure I understand….

    Thanks! :)


    Just imagine a big monitor in front of you. Disabling the headtracking while the menu is open isn’t a good idea. If it would work this way and you would move your head while using the menu, the rotation angle would be wrong after switching back to the game. You might end up looking up in the game while in reality you are looking down for example.


    What about the idea of having the option to occlude the camera view temporarily while we make our changes, perhaps via a hotkey, rather than disabling the head tracking? That way the user could switch back and forth at their convenience so they could still get a proper look at where they are.
    Perhaps the camera view could even be occluded with a static snapshot of whatever was on screen when they entered the menu, and when entering and exiting the menu they would be prompted to look forwards in order to minimize any incongruence in perception.

    Honestly, the issue for me is a huge one and the only real reason I don’t bother with the software much. I have used it perhaps a little over a dozen times since I purchased it 7 months ago, and I would think I can’t be the only person affected in such a way.

    If you take it into consideration, I would be more than happy to test whatever ideas you have.


    In most games you can simply open the game options menu while you use the vorpX menu (usually with ESC) or hit the pause key if one is available, which pretty much does what you need in most cases if I understand you correctly.


    If you do that you are back to the same problem you mentioned in your second comment I think (correct me if I’m wrong).

    I’m just trying to help you make a better product; and yes, I understand that means more work (I am involved in development myself); but in my opinion the ability to adjust settings without simultaneously feeling the need to ralf (pun intended :)) would be a huge improvement on the quality of your program.

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