Multi monitor default

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    Hi there
    I have 3 monitor setup, plus DK2. This is ok for most things, but if i use the VorpX desktop viewer, it uses my left side monitor instead of my main “set to default in windows” primary one.
    How can i set it to use the middle monitor?
    in Windows 10 it is set as thus….
    Those are the windows as defined, with the middle one “3” is my main games monitor as its a 120hz one.
    Any idvise would be good


    Multi-monitor support for the desktop viewer is on the nice-to-have list, but I can’t give you a date for that yet. Sorry.

    BTW: Got rid of all multi monitor hassle myself a year ago with an ultra wide monitor. Much, much better. Doesn’t help you right now with vorpX, but for your next rig I can highly recommend that.


    Ye, I have 3x 28* monitors, so one ultra wide wouldnt do for my needs. I like Gaming on 1, Applications on another etc, and the third for browsing or TV etc.
    I just find it Odd that my occulus is on the default monitor but the VorpX desktop viewer defaults to a different one.

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