Need help with The Division and VIVE

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    Having issues getting the Division to play and I know it’s gotta be me because others here have said they have gotten it to work.

    So my latest attempt at running it was with the division public profile that I downloaded. It came on but then the error message came up saying the it would take awhile for it to “attach” to the game. Selected the “do nothing” option and waited for like 5 minutes but nothing. How long does it take for the program to “attach” itself? Any suggestions for what I could be doing wrong?


    I didn’t have luck attaching with that public profile either. If a game hasn’t attached within a few seconds of the game starting on your monitor, it likely never will.

    I’ve just uploaded and experimental profile I was working on a few months ago if you want to give that a try. look for “Tom Clancy’s The Division Exp” on the cloud.

    It’s based off Assassins Creed Unity profile, which is the only profile I could find that provides working Z3D. I say working, but 3D seems to flicker on and off every few seconds (some kind of Z-buffer texture interference), which may be too distracting in the end. If so, you can disable 3D and play 2D.

    One other problem is that FOV is limited, so I’ve zoomed the screen out a fair ways to compensate. The world looks smallish, but still kinda neat.
    I’ve found a 4:3 resolution works best for max FOV (1600×1200,3200×2400).

    It might not be the ideal experience, but try it out if you like.

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