New to Vorpx – A few doubts –

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    Hi, like i said i’m new in Vorpx, i just got it and my firts attempt is with the newest version, 18.2.0. :)

    I’m having some issues with games entering in immersive mode and crashing so i have my first doubt.

    1) It’s is possible to force vorpx/all games to run only in cinema mode? I really appreciated the cinema mode, is very nice and the output is with high frame rate (in steamvr theather for example, the frames were limited).

    The problem is some games start automatically in immersive and when i try to change to cinema mode the app just hangs.

    2) Apart from the compatibility list, it’s possible to run any game in cinema mode, right?



    Forgot to say, when i say it hangs, the app closes and then i’m back at steam vr house.

    Right now i was in the vorpx cinema mode, browsing my desktop and tried a movie, dont know why but vorpx tried to hook the movie in some other plataform and it crashed.

    I just want to know if its possible to say to the program to use ONLY cinema/desktop viewer, and when i want it, i do select manually the full vr or immersive.



    Seems to be a general issue with DX11 games and vorpX 18.2.0, normally switching between play styles should not cause a game to exit.

    Will be looked into ASAP.


    Thanks Ralf! :)


    A hotfix (18.2.1) is available that should address the issue.

    You should receive it automatically when you launch vorpX next time. If not, you can use the web installer to install it.


    Thanks Ralf! It’s working perfectly now!

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