New Update Crashes VorpX

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    Hey everyone!

    Been using VorpX since I got my DK2 and haven’t had any problems until today. I was playing Skyrim lastnight without any problems what so ever! Today, I start up my computer and VorpX updates. My problem is VorpX will crash once it starts. I can not use it anymore! Any ideas?

    I have updated my video drivers and rift SDK/runtime and everything is current and up to date. I sent an email in so I can re-download and do a fresh install of VorpX as well; just waiting on a reply from them.

    Running Windows 8.1
    2x AMD Radeon HD 6900 (not running in crossfire)

    Like I said, it was working perfectly fine lastnight. And now it isn’t even able to run.


    I happen exactly the same.
    the new update is fantastic, but I think that is giving problems at this time.


    Could you please send more detailed error descriptions to support |at| vorpx com, so that this can be looked into?

    “Crashes” is unfortunately not enough to get an idea what the problem might be. Plesse describe exactly what you are doing before the error occurs and what happens, including full error messages if any are shown. This might help to reproduce your issue. Thanks!


    after the problem with the new update …
    the uninstall and new installation of vorpx program has automatically solved the problem for me.


    I run dual monitors (Rift would make it a 3 monitor setup). I disabled my secondary monitor so there is only my main monitor and the Rift and it seems VorpX loaded right up without any errors/crashes. I hope this helps anyone else that is having the same type of issue!

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