In Codemasters racing games you basically have one two options:
1. vorpX can emulate the right gamepad stick with head tracking for looking around. Dirt 3 is already configured that way, so enabling the gamepad in the game’s options menu should be everything that is required. Not 100% sure about F1 2013. If it’s not working out of the box, set the vorpX gamepad settings up the same way as in Dirt 3 to make it work. This method is quite laggy though and not ideal.
2. The second option provides better tracking by emulating TrackIR input through a third party tool called OpenTrack, which you can download freely. The OpenTrack method should work with most Codemasters racing titles.
If the DEL key doesn’t bring up the menu, try to change the menu key binding in the vorpX config app, maybe the DEL key is blocked somehow on your machine.