Newbie FPS CV1 question

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    Hi, I just downloaded VorpX and have the Oculus CV1. I played Minecraft using the “VR Classic Controls Intense – immersive mode” and this was totally awesome (I don’t ever feel sick). Being able to move around and turn your head is the best gaming experience ever.

    Are there any fps games like battlefield 3 that have this control setup with VorpX. Which FPS games are easy to set up for a non-technical person that play like Minecraft would you recommend?


    These aren’t all FPS games, but are excellent picks:

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is AWESOME in VR if you’re into mystery adventures
    Elite Dangerous if you like space exploration games
    The Elder Scrolls Series – primarily Skyrim.
    Fallout 4
    The Batman Arkham Series
    Metro 2033
    Call of Duty Black Ops 1-3, Battlefield 3-4 and even Hardline, Any Splinter Cell or Crysis game
    Alien Isolation
    Quake I-III
    Half Life 2
    The Witcher 1 and 2 if you like extended campaign games that will suck all your time, not sure if Witcher III is manageable at acceptable graphics levels
    Bioshock: Infinite
    GTA IV and V
    and to tickle your fear of heights check out Mirror’s Edge

    Essentially if your computer can run it, and it’s built on a major game engine like Unreal, Unity, and quite a few others – it’ll play in VorpX. The less popular it is the more tweaking you’ll have to do though because it won’t have been done already by someone else. Once you get used to the Vorpx in game menu you’ll be able to get games to run. Whether you get a true stereoscopic experience depends on how the game was coded though.

    I’m sure that’s clear as mud now.. lol. But hopefully there are a couple of games on there you can check out that are well established as compatible.

    VorpX Supported Games

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