Newbie Issue

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    Hello all! I’m new to VR; I just got my HP Reverb G2 in the mail today. On to the VorpX issue: I ran VorpX & started Star Citizen. When I looked at my PC, it said Star Citizen was running, but I couldn’t figure out how to access it in VR/via my headset! All I can see in my headset is the Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) Home, and I cannot figure out how to access Star Citizen! Also, I thought the issue might be that I ran VorpX from the desktop, so I looked for it in the programs list in the WMR home, but VorpX doesn’t show up at all as a program I can access from WMR.
    I am thoroughly confused; any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you!


    The basic setup for WMR headsets goes like this:

    1. Open the vorpX config app.
    2. Go to the ‘General’ page
    3. Select ‘OpenXR’ as your headset type
    4. Click ‘Apply and Close’
    5. Open the WMR Portal app to activate the headset.

    You should now see a vorpX tray icon in the area left of the clock in your taskbar. Note the Windows per default hides tray icons after a few swconds. If you can’t see it, click the small up arrow in the taskbar.

    While vorpX is running, it automatically checks for newly launched games, so all you should have to do now is launching the game.

    If vorpX is running but doesn’t hook into games, please check for potential conflicts with programs on your PC that may also hook into games. The trouble shooting guide in the help has more details on that.


    Thanks, Ralf! I’ll try this today; I had it set to the “Steam” option.
    As for the rest, yes, VorpX was running, I did check in the running programs tray at the right of my taskbar, and the VorpX icon was there. Also, I did read the trouble shooting guide here on before posting, and the only other program I had running that could “hook into games” was WMR, but as you mentioned, I cannot stop that program without deactivating my VR headset.
    Thanks again, I’ll post whether it works or not, in case this thread might be helpful to others down the road.


    Well Ralf, that did not fix the issue. It is the same as before: The game’s launcher (RSI Launcher) says that the game is running, and the VorpX icon says VorpX is running, yet all I see in my headset is the WMR homepage. It’s as if everything is running correctly, but WMR is commandeering the headset and not giving me an option to access the game, which is supposedly running.


    Did you check what I wrote in my last paragraph above? If vorpX is running, but can’t hook into a game, there almost always is some conflict with another program that also hooks into games. The most likely candidate would be some invasive third party antivirus program. If you happen to use anything else than Windows Defender, try to remove it for testing purposes. There is no real reason for using third party AV on Windoes 10. Windows Defender is more than good enough since several years now.

    More detailed information on the matter in general including other types of programs to check for can be found in the pinned trouble shooting guide on top of this sub forum (or alternatively in the vorpX help).


    Sorry to be “that guy”, Ralf! It was indeed my Webroot Secure Internet.
    Thank you for your patience.

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