Newest games not working at all.

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    outlast 2 and prey 2017 are not working at all with vorpx.

    previously we could try to copy present profiles and link the game exe and try it in vorpx to see if it works and most of the time it worked.

    but with those 2 games, it’s not luck, maybe because they are X64 exe ?
    or maybe it’s because the steamapi is steam_api64.dll and not steam_api.dll ?

    prey hook using crysis 3 profile but the game crash right before the menu.

    outlast 2 hook with some profile but Z3D buffer let alone G3D buffer doesnt work at all.

    i’d like to know if a new update of vorpx could make those games works, that would be incredible.

    thank you.


    You can try to make custom profiles in the config app for games wothout profiles. There is no guarantee that custom profiles work, but it’s always worth a shot.


    Jesus dude, you are such a hypocrite. You were all on my case for asking about ME:A updates a couple of times, and now here you are… again… bugging ralf about games that have only been out a week. Whats this, your third time?
    Eat the sh!t you shovel dude.

    PS: you know whats funny? You are me should be on the same team. I’d love to see those games too, along with many others. But you had to be such an asshat in the forums, you reap what you sow.


    Jesus dude, you are such a hypocrite. You were all on my case for asking about ME:A updates a couple of times, and now here you are… again… bugging ralf about games that have only been out a week. Whats this, your third time?
    Eat the sh!t you shovel dude.

    PS: you know whats funny? You are me should be on the same team. I’d love to see those games too, along with many others. But you had to be such an asshat in the forums, you reap what you sow.

    seriously shut up idiot, i’m not begging ralf, i’m asking if a new vorpx version could make those games working.

    just get lost kiddo.

    it’s the last time i answer you i have better things to do than wasting my time with someone like you.

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