No Cloud Profiles, Please Help

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  • #212715


    I have just bought VorpX and am enjoying it.
    However I have zero cloud profiles shown in the vorpx profiles.

    Thus far I have tried relogging into my vorpx account, reinstalling the program, installing the newest version of .net framework and manually adding an inbound and outbound rule in the firewall for vorpxConfig.exe.

    However this has all not worked and I still have no cloud profiles shown in the vorpx config.

    Please help me fix this issue, as the cloud profiles are an integral part why I bought the program in the first place.

    Thank you


    Just to get the obvious out of the way first: you have to type in the game name (a few letters should suffice) into the searchbox.

    If still nothing shows up, check whether maybe your firewall/av-program/router prevents vorpConfig.exe from accessing the internet.

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