No Display in HMD Skyrim, other Steam games

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  • #165982

    I’m unsure what I’m doing incorrectly. Whenever I launch a game, Steam VR shows it’s status as exiting, and I can only a blank virtual environment in the headset, as shown below:

    Skryim Not Running in Headset

    You’ll need to right click and open the image in a new window to see it.

    This happens with nearly all games.


    That sounds like a lot like something on your PC interfering with vorpX. Please follow the steps in the trouble shoot sticky post on top of this sub-forum.

    Hottest candidates are: virus scanners, any sort of CPU/GPU utilities, game video recording/streaming software, chat programs and generally everything that can show notifictations in games.

    Best way to trouble shoot this is to disable/uninstall every program running in the background that would not be there after a fresh, Microsoft only Windows install.


    I just came upon the solution – the Steam VR Home Beta Software is what causes the crash when you try to load up a game with vorpX. In the Steam VR settings, disable the SteamVR Home Beta, and everything works just great.

    I noticed others with a similar problem – including some posts on the Open VR Runtime error. That cleared up with disabling the Home beta, too.

    That information might deserve to be stickied somewhere.

    Thanks for your reply.

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