need some help . I dont have real headtracking in Alien Isolation, ba moving the head i only move the screen and i am not able to look back like in other games. What iam making wrong?
Not sure if this is the same issue I had but you cannot use gamepad and headtracking. For some reason the mouselook for headtracking and gamepad joystick contradict each other. To test this try to play the game for a short time with keyboard mouse and so if it works. Someone else posted that in the vorpx settings you can override the “xbox’ controller and then manually add the keyboard commands to each button… I haven’t tried this yet.
Hi yes ur right i use a gamepad and i saw that override feature. I set it to partially.But i will try to remap.
It worked with DK2 i did not have to make any change these DK2 times.CV1 and new sdk seems to have a problem i guess.
I think i am experiencing the same issue on the Vive. There seems to be some interferences with controls. Headtracking works good when i open Vorpx menu until the moment i touch the control sticks. This happens with any control configuration. Then, when i open the menu, head tracking goes back, until i try to move with the controller. Everything else seems to be working very well with Geometry.