No Mouse Movement – Mass Effect 3

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    The menus work just fine, but once in-game there is no mouse movement.

    I briefly experienced this in Mass Effect 2, with a quick game restart fixing the issue. This has unfortunately not worked with ME3.

    Anyone have similar issues on this or other games?


    Sounds as if the game might have lost mouse focus. ALT-TAB out and back into the game can help with something like that.


    I have this problem with ME2. I’ve tried restarting changing various options for controls and head tracking. The curso works in the menus etc. Even with head tracking but no matter what I’ve tried the cross hairs stay perfectly still. I’m hoping there’s a similar fix for both of us.


    Origin In-Game overlay was doing this to my EA games, try disabling that in the Origin App settings.


    It works! Thanks man.

    For anyone coming on this post with the same issue:

    I both reinstalled ME3 and tried dellrifter’s suggestion of disabling the Origin In-Game overlay.

    It was most likely his suggestion that did the trick, but I had previously uninstalled it with the intention of a fresh install before he had replied. So try it before the nuclear option.


    Issue is confirmed and will be fixed ASAP with a hotfix. Actually a regression, ie. an issue that was fixed in an earlier build but was re-introduced in 17.3.0.

    Until the hotfix is released, disabling the Origin in-game overlay should reliably fix the problem.


    vorpX 17.3.1 is now available and should address this issue.


    You guys are my heroes. This is my first experience of mass effect and I’m loving it.

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