No steam games work

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    I feel like Ive seen this topic posted about once a week and never see any actual solutions or resolutions but I figure Ill give it a shot anyway

    None of my steam games seem to be recognized by vorpx. Ive tried battlefield 4 and that being an origin game runs fine. The vorpx desktop works fine. Vorpx is running and has not reported any errors. Ive disabled every possible overlay I can think of and killed just about every running process I can besides steam, nvidia, and oculus. Ive disabled streaming and capture in the nvidia geforce experience. The only AV I have running is the one built in to windows 10

    Ive tried just cause 3, a custom rocket league, CODBLOPS3, none of them get recognized by vorpx and launch in the headset. They only launch full screen on my desktop and I just continue to see the oculus home screen in my HMD


    and now it started working, looks like i had to restart steam a few times first


    Now my only issue seems to be custom presets arent recognized. Tried copying from an existing preset, point to new exe, and still stuck in oculus home


    I have not gotten anything to work still and I havn’t found a solution. Been trying for days.


    Same here, same issue. Maybe I’m doing this wrong? Feels like they should have a how to for this stuff since it doesn’t appear to work right or maybe I’m doing this in the wrong order.

    Steam overlay disabled. SteamVR off.
    Turn on VorpX, put on Oculus hmd, I’m in Oculus home.

    Launch a game(even created a desktop shortcut through VorpX, in this case, for Dishonored).
    Launch the game, it opens on the desktop. Oculus hmd is still on, I’m in Oculus home. Press the Oculus button which usually toggles whatever else is being used (as it does with SteamVR) but it does nothing.

    I can press the DEL button but it does not bring up the VorpX menu on either screen.
    I can use the VorpX Desktop Mode but cannot play games through it, get a white screen when launching Dishonored.


    Does anyone have any suggestions ?


    Im having the same issue. all my other games work with vorpx fine but it doesnt do anything when i try to launch anything from my steam library.


    Still doesn’t work, I’m about ready to hang up the towel on Vorp X. I’m not sure what else to try.

    So, here it goes. I can launch SteamVR and Vorp X(I have tried launching one before the other). It gets me into SteamVR but when launching a game, it wants to launch into Theatre Mode(through SteamVR). If I take off the HMD and launch the game it says it’s not supported. I continue anyways and it launches on the monitor, not the HMD. Head Tracking, Controls, etc none of it is working, which indicates to me the hooking process is not happening at all.

    I have been testing with Dishonored.


    Uhg, just got it. Steam was in administrator mode. Putting Vorp X in administrator mode did not fix the issue. Had to remove Steam from launching in administrator mode. Games hook properly now.

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