No Stereo 3D

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    Hi, I am trying to use VORPX with several games and the desktop viewer. I have the newest version (I believe) and nothing has really changed on my PC…

    When I launch desktop viewer, it looks as if its no stereo 3D….(Looks better with one eye closed).

    Same for sure with Skyrim and GTA V

    I used the settings menu (DeL) key. and tried changing things, but nothing seems to work.

    Can anyone offer any advice??



    PS: I know the oculus is working (I have the DK1) because my demos and the oculus setup screen look great. (as great as a DK1 can look, right! :) )


    DK1 is no longer supported by the latest Oculus software, sorry. Please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com for a solution.

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