No Stutter when VorpX Menu up – but stutters when I turn it off

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  • #105199

    Hey everyone.

    got a problem I was hoping someone might be able to help me with.

    Dark Souls 3 on Vorpx is running well overall – but there is a constant studder, noticeable when moving, but VERY noticeable when standing still.

    When I have the VorpX panel up, though.. the game runs 100% smooth. Is there anything I can do about this?

    I am open to anything – even if it means just finding a way to drag the VorpX menu to a corner each time I play then just play with it off to the side, out of view.

    Anyone know what I should do? Really wanting to play Dark Souls 3 but this is really detracting from the experience.

    TLDR: Game runs smooth when VorpX in game menu is up, on screen. When I turn the menu off, the game begins to studder.. very strange situation, looking for help.

    Thanks everyone!

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