Vorpx was working fine before. No problems whatsoever. All of a sudden today of all days not a single Vorpx game actually attaches. The closest I got was Titanfall 2 and Doom 2016, TF2 (for one time) ran on the desktop instead of the headset, and doom had the headset say “next up” in Steamvr while it was already running, then softlocked my entire PC and shut it down.
Every. Single. Game. does not attach. I made sure no antivirus software was blocking Vorpx and my settings were correct, and even tried deleting dxgi.dll files. All that happens is the little dialog box that says that it’s attaching stays there forever, I waited a really long time and still there it was.
I am not sure what in the world would cause something like this, I didn’t mess with Vorpx or mod anything since I last used it. It’s even stranger that I don’t really see any other people reporting something like this, it may even be me just making a simple mistake. Any help would be greatly appreciated.