Not a Vorpx issue but a heads up: LAV Filters got smacked by win10 build 14251.

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    LAV Filters got smacked by win10 build 14251

    Of interest to oculus users. I posted the fix here.


    Please do not use insider builds of Windows 10 for vorpX (or anything besides testing out of curiosity if you want my advice). If you do so for whatever reason, DO NOT report any issue you may encounter. vorpX will never be tested against beta/insider builds of Windows and there can be no support if you use them.


    Umm you missed the point of the post. It was a attempt to spread the word for anyone TESTING LAV filters. Us oculus developers ARE testing. There are no consumer versions as of “today” released and in the hands of the mass public so for however long this company has existed, to this point, and for the next couple of months you have been working with TESTERS. I hate it when you get bleeding edge providers claiming to only support mainstream. Its weak.


    The problem is that it is impossible to tell whether issues are caused by Windows or vorpX if you use a beta Windows. The purpose of insider builds is to test Windows. We neither have the intention nor the resources to test vorpX with new beta Windows releases every few weeks that are used by maybe 1 out of 10000 Windows users.

    If you think you found a bug in vorpX, please ALWAYS check whether it also exists when using a public build of Windows before reporting it. We cannot give any support for issues that you encounter with a beta Windows build. It’s just not feasible, sorry.


    First off the title says “Not a Vorpx issue but a heads up:” So what that means is you take the information and make your own determination if is of value. I would say yes at this point see below.

    Just an FYI to you. Crysis 2 wouldn’t launch with vorpx running with the codec issue. So does Crytek/Crysis2 use LAV to run the cut scenes? Its a fair bet you need them if your machine was ever setup to use codecs. I fixed the codec issue and I am able to play Crysis 2 with vorpx again.

    Viva la VR.

    This info is supposed to be helpful. Not an opportunity to blast me. Your a good man Ralf!


    I appreciate that in this special case, but there may be others in which you think you found a bug in vorpX which in truth is caused by the beta Windows. That’s why I have to be quite adamant about this, sorry.

    If using a beta version of Windows is worth something to you despite all the extra hassle you can and will have with it, then I’m not the one to judge that. But please make sure that any vorpX issue that you potentially may want to report also exists on a normal public Windows build before reporting it as a bug. Thanks.

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