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    This is my setup. I just purchased vorpX, so I don’t know if it’s always this way or just on this game.

    – Window 10
    – Ryzen 1700
    – 16GB RAM
    – GTX 1070
    – 4k display
    – Lenovo Explorer Black Mixed Reality Headset
    – Stream + Steam VR

    I’m trying to run No Man’s Sky, and it seems to work pretty well, except I’m only seeing the center portion of the screen. This makes it very difficult to play, since the dialog area is towered the bottom of the screen.

    I’ve seen mention of changing the FOV, but That doesn’t seem to have any effect. Something even pops up a message saying that the FOV will be changed back when I exit.

    Any recommendations? If I could just see what’s in the window on the screen it would be great.


    FOV is adjusted automatically by vorpX for No Man’s Sky, so no need to do that yourself.

    The best way to handle HUD/menus in games where vorpX can’t scale the HUD is the EdgePeek function (mouse wheel/right thumbstick button click). It allows you to temporarily zoom out whenever you want to look at screen corners/edges.


    Thanks. I’ll give that a try, but if it can zoom out with the EdgePeek function, why can’t it stay that way permanently?

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