I’ve had some crashing these past 2 months as well (mainly with SWBF2, BFV, and ACOdyssey) though I’m hesitant to single out vorpX, since around the same time of the update I installed a new graphics card, new drivers, and new Pimax8k. Not to mention the games themselves have been patched often.
One oddity I want to point out in case it’s of any use to vorpX, is how I’ve noticed both the Frostbite games will inevitably freeze crash my headset (but not hardlock PC), to the point that only a full system reboot will remove the freeze-frame from the hmd. Rebooting only the hmd will not resolve it.
This can happen in 1 minute from launch, or in 20 minutes. It’s happened in both G3D and Z3D.
Not sure why this is happening, but it didn’t used to. No other games seem to have this freeze-frame problem for me.