Oblivion problems distorted headtracking in DirectVR

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    So I’ve been using VorpX to play Fallout New Vegas from start to finish for a 153 hours. The game looks perfect after a Direct VR scan. There’s no distortion and it feels like a native VR game as far as rotational and positional head tracking goes. Unfortunately I’m not having the same level of luck with Oblivion.

    So I start a completely new game and am in the prison is a new character and do a DirectVR scan there. The DirectVR scan is successful but it looks really distorted, like I am looking through a fisheye lens or like a bubble. I do pull up a console and type fov 120 like the instructions suggested, but that still doesn’t fix the fishbowl distortion. It feels unplayable with the distortion.

    Like with New Vegas I would like to play standing, but this feels too disorienting to play standing. Are there any tips on how to make this look as good as New Vegas looked considering the fact that they both use gamebryo?

    I am using VorpX version 17.2.3


    i think Ralf said that next vorpx version will have fixed stuff for oblivion, so wait & see.


    @ markbradley1982 : like steph12 says, quite a few improvements for Oblivion incoming this weekend (see below). If you don’t want to wait: the correct FOV with default vorpX settings is 112.

    1. Tree shadows are fully correct now.
    2. Fire/torches rendered at correct depth now.
    3. Mouse wheel block: no unwanted changes to 3rd person which messed up FOV.
    4. Some ini tweaks: e.g. dialog camera doesn’t zoom in ultra close anymore.
    5. HUD/menu scaling added.
    6. Custom resolution auto-set via DirectVR.
    7. FOV auto set after Direct VR scan.


    great stuff :)

    i never played oblivion in VR, but i’m going to do so as soon as the next update hits the shelf.

    once again, thank you for all the work you are doing on vorpx Ralf :D


    Great news on the update Ralf! Actually what ended up happening is after I talked with the Emperor, my FOV reset back to 75. Once I pulled the console down and typed in FOV 120 again the head tracking looked much more native like it did on New Vegas and there was no bubble effect.

    So the new build will auto change the resolution? Is it possible for us to disable that? I normally prefer to run a higher resolution than VorpX recommends (1920×1080) because the default resolution looks pretty grainy.


    You’ll be able to disable it, but there isn’t really any reason to do so (except maybe potential trouble shooting). The new optimizer system let’s you choose a preferred quality in the DirectVR settings, vorpX then figures out the best resolution fitting this quality preset that is supported by your machine and the game.

    To take full advantage of that some custom resolutions should be added in the graphics driver control panel. Which ones is explained in the help and you will be prompted to do so when you select a currently unsupported desired quality.

    The FOV resetting after talking to an NPC is the one remaining annoyance with the game. [ALT][V] automatically types in the console command, so it’s not too bad. For playing standing map [ALT][V] to your controller and that shouldn’t be much of an issue anymore. IIRC that should work already with vorpX 17.2, but the auto typed FOV probably isn’t correct currently.


    The FOV resetting after talking to an NPC is the one remaining annoyance with the game. [ALT][V] automatically types in the console command, so it’s not too bad. For playing standing map [ALT][V] to your controller and that shouldn’t be much of an issue anymore. IIRC that should work already with vorpX 17.2, but the auto typed FOV probably isn’t correct currently.

    With regards to the FOV resetting. I believe there are some mods that correct this, though I haven’t tested them yet. I will soon though.

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