Today i was stunned. I did the oculus u8pdate and the latest nvidia driver for titanx- The image has improved almost 100%. Is it just me or did some of u experience the same. FO4, Syrim and the rest of my games collection looks suddenly fantastic…. HAHAHAHAAHHA good move..
Nvidia and Oculus rolled out some major improvements with their latest driver updates and Riftcore 2.0 for sure. SLI seemed to finally be working with Witcher 3 and Vorpx when I tested it out last night.
Rift 2.0 absolutely tanked my PCs performance with Fallout 4 using VorpX. Switching back to the old Home seems to have resolved the issue. I imagine I’m going to have to upgrade my graphics card (GTX 970) sooner than I’d like.