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    Hello everyone, I just bought Vorpx and Rainbow Six Siege but after installation if i run the game i see thru oculus only flat game and also without tracking…
    Any help please?
    First time using Vorpx…..


    vorpX requires game specific profiles for games to work in 3D.

    Rainbow Six Siege does not have a profile yet, so no 3D as of now. The game is already bought and on the to-do list, so – if possible – a profile will be made available shortly. No promises though, as it hasn’t been tested yet.

    You should however be able to play the game in 2D with head tracking normally even without a profile. To make head tracking work, please make sure that mouse input is working in the game. In some games you may have to disable the gamepad for that.

    BTW: No double posts please to avoid forum clutter. Your other post containing the same question has been deleted. All future double posts will also get deleted.


    Hello Ralf thank U for reply and sorry for double post…
    Ok i will wait but there is a guy who uloaded a video on the tube who is playing rainbow six siege with vorpx in 3d using the profle of another game (bioshockinfinite), do U know how to do it?
    Play with oculus with games like that is sooo cool, its the future and deserve more attention by every person in gaming sector.


    You can try to rename the game’s .exe to bioshockinfinite.exe and see whether that does anything.

    In some cases that can (but doesn’t have to!) give basic 3D support if the games use the same graphics engine. But even if it works, it will lack game specific adjustments that are often needed to fix issues with shadows, reflections etc.


    I already did but games doesn’t start due to security on steam
    Any suggestion?

    Thansk again


    No, sorry. Renaming is a hack that may or not work (and most of the time won’t). It’s by no means something that is officially supported in any way. Normally a profile is required for 3D support.


    Thank U Ralf, today i bought also battlefield hardline (officially sopported by Vorpx) but it plays like the unsupported Rainbox six siege in a very similar way, too much zoom and absolutely NO vr effect. I hope Vorpx is not running in the correct way otherwise is absolytely useless without vr effect.
    I have flyinside (similar to Vorpx) using with Prepared v3 and THAT IS A REAL VR EFFECT.
    I’m really curious to see Vorpx to work in the correct mode, please help me.


    BFH is Z3D only. Z3D has “less 3D” for nearby objects, but is twice as fast as Geometry 3D that renders everything twice. The only way to get VR compatible framerates in demanding games.

    Zoom: You have to adjust the field of view (FOV). For BF4 and BF Hardline this is only possible in a perfect manner for multiplayer. The vorpX game optimizer in the config app can take care of that for both games.

    In general: if you haven’t done so already, please read the Essential Game Hints in the vorpX help. Among other important infos there you find all options you have to deal with the field of view listed from best to worth. What can be done depends from game to game.


    Thank U Ralf, fter some setting today i play with almost correct setting… Not exactly Vr but similar with BF Hardline.
    ONU problem i have is with the right stick controller (xboxone) that should let me turn 360 on my axis but as soon i touch it on right or left it hyper rotate making useless this stick…
    Anyway thanks for Your help.

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