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  • #214457

    Hey Guys, I have gone through the basic trouble shooting faq and can’t get anything but vorpx desktop working. I have tried multiple games including: Forza Horizon 5 (saw a vorpx video of it so it works for someone), Need for Speed Unbound, Marvel Spiderman remastered.

    Every time I launch a game, it starts and the sound plays through my vr headset. Then the oculus loading screen tells me the game is loading. The game loads on my desktop monitor but the oculus screen loads infinitely and doesn’t start, or eventually freezes. The alternative hooking method does nothing, the oculus app loading screen doesn’t even open.

    It’s such a joke the developers want to raise the price before fixing the bugs, greedy as fuck.


    Please note that none of the games you list is supported. vorpX (obviously) cannot support every game ever released, it usually requires game specific profiles. You can however try to get unsupported games running in several ways if vorpX doen’t hook into them automatically.

    Usually I can’t say too much to unsupported games which haven’t been checked here, but since you asked so nicely: ;)

    Spiderman Remastered and Need for Speed Unbound both use DX12. You *MIGHT* get them running with the 23.1.0 beta version linked in the ‘General’ section of the forum. In contrast to prior vorpX versions the latest beta tries to hook unknown DX12 games. There is no guarantee though.

    If that doesn’t work you have to find out what engine the game uses and try to create your own profile based on one made for a game that uses the same engine. The vorpX help has more information on that in the ‘User Profiles’ section.

    If all fails, you can always use the vorpX desktop viewer and play games in ‘borderless window’ mode. Most newer games let you choose that in their options. That’s the least desirable option though since vorpX can’t convert a game to 3D when you use the desktop viewer.

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