Oculus touch input lost when tracking obstructed

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    Not sure if this is an SDK limitation or not – been playing Skyrim SE with the new direct mode and it’s great! Using the touch controllers feels very natural. However, when a touch controller loses tracking momentarily, which can happen when resting the controllers in my lap for example, any input on the controllers is also lost. I figured it should probably listen to input regardless of if physical tracking is working, but perhaps this is a driver limitation.


    Good point. vorpX uses a tracking check to determine whether the controllers are present, probably makes sense to combine that with a 1 minute timeout or so to cover short interruptions. I have another hotfix release planned for tomorrow, I’ll see whether I can squeeze that in, shouldn’t be too difficult.


    That would be great, thanks Ralf!


    Done. Will be included in tomorrow’s hotfix. I settled for a two minute timeout in the end, which I think is more than enough for any involuntary occlusion/interruption.


    Cheers Ralf, tested last night and didn’t get any input dropouts at all. Great!

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