Odyssey+ & vorpx what order to start things?

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    Using an Odyssey+ WMR.
    Using vorpx… what is the order that you start each program to have this work properly with a steam flat game? At one point I ended up in a theater with chairs and a 3D screen, but couldn’t DO anything. Had to kill the game from task manager. I have had it show the double vr screen on the monitor, but the headset was black. Thanks for help on this!

    mixed reality vr (steam)
    steam vr
    mixed reality portal


    i only have vive.

    but i always start steam, steamVR then vorpx then i launch game, should not be that much different for wmr headset, and i dont even think order matters you can start vorpx first then steam etc.


    are you sure you have to launch mixed reality VR (steam and portal ?)

    i have zero knowledge about your headset and wmr as a whole but sounds weird to me to enable them to use vorpx.


    It shouldn’t really matter in which order you start the apps. The only two things that have to be running before launching a game are vorpX and your game launcher/store (Steam/Epic/Uplay etc.), order doesn’t matter.

    SteamVR and the Mixed Reality Portal get launched automatically when vorpX initializes SteamVR, so you don’t necessarily have to launch them beforehand. Doesn’t hurt of course, but if the aren’t running, they should launch automatically.


    It shouldn’t really matter in which order you start the apps.

    It shouldn’t, but I rarely have luck getting stuff to work correctly if I don’t start the Mixed Reality Portal first.

    The “safest” way I’ve found is to start Mixed Reality Portal, then Steam VR, and once both of those are working start the game. Whether you start vorpx before or after Steam VR doesn’t matter.

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