Odyssey+ WMR and Skyrim – Anyone have this working well?

Homepage Forums Technical Support Odyssey+ WMR and Skyrim – Anyone have this working well?

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    Owned a rift for the past year and played all the best vorpx games with no issue including skyrim. Got the O+ Black Friday deal and it seems most of my vorpx games are stuttering now looking around. Thought it might be hardware related but alas, a gtx 1080 and xeon 1650v2 later absolutely no change. Previously had issues with revive and all my oculus games doing the same thing and discovered removing steamvr from the picture fixed it perfectly (you can launch from revive directly now without steam vr). I don’t think this is an issue with vorpx at this point, but rather the integration with steam VR and wmr. The stutter makes it unplayable and is the same on lowest settings in skyrim and vorpx or highest in both – nearly identical.

    So hoping someone out there has this working well or even using WMR in general. Anyone? Really hope I can find a fix since not using vorpx is a deal breaker for keeping the O+ and selling the rift. Everything looks amazing . . . until i look around :( Any plans to hook vorpx directly into wmr and bypass steamvr like remixed is doing now if that is even possible? It seems that would 100% solve all stutter issues. Any suggestions or discussion would be greatly appreciated. Going to keep tinkering with steamvr over the weekend hoping for a miracle lol.


    I use WMR and SteamVR to use VorpX. I don’t have an O+ though (lucky you!). If I were experiencing this problem I’d uninstall SteamVR and reinstall it. If you haven’t used SteamVR to play VR in the past, maybe you don’t have “Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR” installed? Its on steam. I’m guessing you do, but there is always a chance. Also, in the SteamVR settings (I’m guessing you know how to get there, I’ll put a video below) you can adjust super sampling, which may or may not be a problem. Also, I’m guessing you don’t have crazy, super high settings and mods installed for whatever game you are trying? Sorry if some of my questions or suggestions are totally wack, just stabbing in the dark.

    Don’t watch video until you read above^^ 😃


    This seems to be affecting all vorpx games for me – tried dishonored skyrim and metro. I did try turning down supersample, and tried to launch with both steamvr and wmr for steamvr. I’ll try your suggestion to reinstall both tonight, maybe something borked in there. Curious have you played a game with vorpx recently?

    Thanks for the info! Good to know someone has this working.


    There seems to be some judder with recent SteamVR versions (probably since Motion Smoothing was introduced) at default settings.

    For the time being being please make sure to set “Fluid Sync” to “On” on the display page of the vorpX menu. That will cap the game fps to 45, but in turn make it easier to keep the headset FPS at 90fps. With steady 90fps for the headset rendering the judder should be gone.

    You can check the FPS values with ALT+F, should read 45/90 ideally with Fluid Sync on.

    An update that addresses this issue one way or the other will follow as soon as possible.


    Great! Thanks Ralf, I’m really looking forward to the next update (I hope with Frostbyte support!!!)

    Yeah, I use VorpX every day, and I use it with WMR and SteamVR. It works perfectly for me =D I hope it works that way for you, too, soon.


    There will be a maintenance update specifically addressing the SteamVR judder issue tomorrow, this issue is too severe to wait for the next regular update.

    vorpX 19.1.0 with the DX11 improvements incl. Frostbyte G3D is due (shortly) before Christmas.


    I am stoked! 😁 That will be great. Best Christmas present this year! 🎁 Lol.


    This . . . this is GREAT Ralf. THANK YOU! I found some people working around the other (non vorpx) related issues this last steamvr update caused by rolling back the steamvr version with a neat trick. Guessing it would have also worked here. You can find the steam community post by googling “SteamVR I manually rolled back to previous version without smoothing”. Gonna keep this one in the back pocket just in case one of Valve’s ‘new features’ breaks a bunch of VR stuff again.


    There seems to be some judder with recent SteamVR versions (probably since Motion Smoothing was introduced) at default settings.

    For the time being being please make sure to set “Fluid Sync” to “On” on the display page of the vorpX menu. That will cap the game fps to 45, but in turn make it easier to keep the headset FPS at 90fps. With steady 90fps for the headset rendering the judder should be gone.

    You can check the FPS values with ALT+F, should read 45/90 ideally with Fluid Sync on.

    An update that addresses this issue one way or the other will follow as soon as possible.

    Hey ralf, I tried playing a game with G3D and with fluidsync on it didn’t feel like a smooth 90 fps, more like 45 fps.


    Fluid Sync caps the game fps to 45, but in turn make it easier to keep the headset FPS at 90fps. Artificial intermediate frames are created similar to SteamVR’s reprojection to make up for that.


    The new patch fixed all my games. Thanks again.

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