For those who can’t get enough of Skyrim VR, there is a VR Mod of Enderal: Forgotten Storys out there ! The Main Story of the DLC sized story mod of Skyrim is about 50 hours and has full german and english voice acting.
I posted this here in the vorpx board, because Enderal is not very well known worldwide !
You can find it on Nexus, but beware – the SE port is still not finished and when played in SkyrimVR the cutscenes don’t play (there could be more issues, i’m just reporting what i heard).
But fear not, people are working on this (we should really appreciate those modders who are doing such things for free and giving so much to the community).
Yeah, I am a true Wabbajack fan Nexus is my best friend ;) , I have high respect to Modders! Ill wait for the release of the mod list. Meanwhile, Ill check the new SkyrimVR list that came out last night (Librum)
I played SkryimVR for awhile – had an extensive set of mods set up, but I prefer running SE with vorpx. Never was much of a fan of having to duck my head down to swim, or use my touch controllers like a bow. I guess I’m missing the immersion…
I don’t really care TBH. My immersion comes from stereo3D, good lighting, an interesting world and a story that gets me hooked. Last year my GOTY 2020 was not HL: Alyx, but instead Jedi: Fallen Order played with VorpX. []-)