Older Vorpx version to use with Oculus DK2 ?

Homepage Forums Technical Support Older Vorpx version to use with Oculus DK2 ?

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    I totally understand that Vorpx has moved from supporting the Oculus rift DK2. However, has anyone having a old Vorpx installer that supports DK2 ?

    I purchased the Vorpx License and made queries via the tech support email but i Have not received any answer from them. If anyone can help, my deepest thanks you to your kind help.

    Have a wonderful New Year y´all !



    Doesn’t the Oculus PC app work with DK2 anymore? vorpX works with any Oculus headset that works with the Oculus PC app. Haven’t checked a DK2 in a while, but the only headset that never worked with the final Oculus runtime version was the DK1.

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