OpenXR developer previews still not recommended?

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    In a post from 2021 you wrote that WMR OpenXR developer previews should always be disabled in OpenXR Toolkit. Does this advice still hold true in 2023, or have things changed?

    I have it enabled and it works great with my Reverb G2 v2 and The Witcher 3.


    If it works for you, all good, but unless you are actually developing your own OpenXR application that requires the dev preview, there isn’t much of a point in using it. Doesn’t improve anything as far as vorpX is concerned, but always comes with the risk of breaking stuff. So if you want to make your life easier, stick to the release version.


    I’m almost afraid of switching it off, but i’m gonna try. I shouldn’t have followed bad advice from the sim community… :)

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