Hey everyone,
So i downloaded the official Outer Worlds profile – playing in Xbox Console Companion App/Gamepass version btw.
But i ran into a problem i simply couldnt find a fix to – my controller works, 3d works, hud adjustments work, its all good – but my right stick KILLS the headtracking. The two are just not working in ‘concert’… i can take a few steps and ‘look around’ with headtracking, but, once i touch right stick on Xbox controller, it immediately kills headtracking entirely and only follows the right stick; until i move, stand still, and look around again without touching the right stick.
Im not a 100% vorpx expert but i tried all combinations of overriding xbox controller/wasd mode, etc and couldnt get it to work. does anyone have this problem and a solution? if it requires a 3rd party app i dont mind, just wanna play the game ‘normally’ with xbox controller.
thanks for any help and reading this far!