Currently playing on a i7-8700, 16GB RAM. GTX1070Ti. Observations are as follows:
– I did play the Steam version of the game on a monitor briefly before applying the VorpX profile. I am using the default VorpX profile .
– In FullVR, I am getting inverted head tracking (if my head turns left, the image goes right, etc).
– Attempting DirectVR Scanning results in a failure 99.9% of the time (1 time the DirectVR scan worked, but the game crashed with a few seconds).
– I try to invert the X and Y axis tracking under the Helmet Tracking sub-menu, but it does not change anything.
Now Immersive and Cinema Mode works just fine, but my biggest joy comes from the FullVR mode.
Has anybody gotten the head tracking to work properly, and if so, could you please let me know how you did it?
Thanks for listening.