I’m looking for games that look great in cinema mode, with all the important effects working (like shadows).
It doesn’t matter if the game is old with dated graphics, but I just don’t want to feel like I’m playing a subpar version of the game graphics-wise.
I tried Lego Lord of the Rings yesterday and the graphics were sadly pretty ugly compared to desktop because all post processing and shadows were disabled. But the 3DÂ was excellent and it made me want to play a good game in cinema mode. :)
I play all my games in cinema mode. I’d say about half have some shadow issues (in g3d) which can be annoying, but they are still playable. Couldn’t tell you off hand which ones though. Just have to try it and see.
Hi, my favorites are 3rd person games and 2,5d scrollers.
At the moment I play Vanquish also i would mention
Bulletstrom, Mass Effect 3, Ryse Son of Rome, Batman AA and so on, all G3d and you can max the depth (5.0) . If I have trouble with shadows I go into the shadertool and switch them off. 2,5d scrollers I have tested SineMora Ex,Castlevania Mirror of Fate, Flashback 2013 looking all awesome.
But there is so much more….