Please add support for Leap Motion gesture input+ Cybershoes freedom of movement

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Please add support for Leap Motion gesture input+ Cybershoes freedom of movement

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  • #175641

    Dear Ralf,

    It would be great to be able to move away from keyboard/mouse input whilst still playing games in VorpX.

    I know Vive and other controllers (hopefully knuckles) work in Vorpx, but when they do the keyboard is disabled. An idea to be able to use more buttons or actions with the controllers would be to use gesture mapping from the vive controllers or caught using a leap motion device and then translate that gesture to a keybound movement or action.

    The link below is for gesture translation software to keyboard input for the kinect, no doubt this wouldn’t work for Leap motion controllers.

    I’m not sure how this would work in Vorpx with Leap motion or if it’s even compatible.
    If you could give me any advice on how this type of tracking could be achieved in VorpX using Leap motion it would be appreciated.

    Also, could you please look into adding support for the Cybershoes, which already works in SteamVR, as a locomotion solution.

    They have a kickstarter which has been funded and which is still live


    Hear, hear!

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