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    I bought vorpx and I thought it would work. I have the vive and have switched it to htc vive mode.

    However witcher 3 fails to start
    world of Warcraft is not true VR it’s just like a screen put infront of the lens and doesn’t at all feel like true VR. I’m thinking i’m setting it up wrong cos I hear really good stories about this product ( which is why I bought it)

    I run withcer 3 from steam. And it always says failed to start unknown reason.

    ESO online doesn’t even hook.

    world of Warcraft only hooks when I turn it to dx9 and then it looks crap.

    please point me in the right direction here so I can enjoy my product



    There might be an injection conflict with some other program on your PC. Many programs also hook into games and can cause such an issue. Not all of them are obvious.

    Hottest candidates are: virus scanners, any sort of CPU/GPU utilities, game video recording/streaming software, chat programs and generally everything that can show notifictations in games.

    Best way to trouble shoot is to disable/uninstall every background program that would not be there after a fresh, Microsoft only Windows install.

    If you can’t solve the issue this way, please try to start a few games, then create a trouble shoot data archive in the vorpX config app and send me this archive. I will then check whether I can find something that you may have overlooked.

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