please make a profile for “remedy” and “quantic dream” games!

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion please make a profile for “remedy” and “quantic dream” games!

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  • #196707

    -quantum break

    heavy rain
    beyond two soul
    detroit: become human

    there are no profiles for these games!


    I just tried control on DX11 and it seems to work with Geometry 3D out of the box, there is an official VorpX profile on the cloud if you check it.

    But, I´m still configuring the game for better performance.

    You should try it as well or anyone interested.

    I will check if this works also with DX12


    please make a profile for these games!


    There’s an official profile for Control. Detroit Become Human is a Vulkan game which Vorpx doesn’t presently support, and the game is incredibly boring anyway (my opinion, don’t take my word for it). Quantum Break can be used with the Nier Automata profile for Z3D (at least I think that was the profile I used – too lazy to verify).

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