Positonal tracking is reversed at vertical axel.

Homepage Forums Technical Support Positonal tracking is reversed at vertical axel.

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  • #199039

    i have game which supports trackir rotation, but doesn’t support position. So i am using vorpx position, they works great expect vorpx vertical position is opposite, when move head up view goes down. Tried invert this on opentrack but ofcourse it doesn’t affect this. Is there a way to fix this?

    Game is Kerbal Space Program.


    That’s a weird issue with a handful of games. Maybe either KSP is one of them or incidentally your custom profile is based on a profile that has the according fix flag set although it isn’t actually required.

    Unfortunately the said fix flag isn’t user accessible, never occured to me that might make sense until now. Is this a custom profile you ceated yourself or one you downloaded from the profile cloud?


    I made custom profile myself, used Unity 5 base profile. I did upload it to cloud tho.


    You (should) have mail. If not let me know.


    thank you! profile authorizing helped me invert position vertically and adjust movement ratio too, for this game extra ability to move head xyz is appreciated.

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